Reference: TMPCBS
Brand: TradeMark
All Moldex® Particulate Filters are certified.The 8830A HEPA Particulate Filter has an efficiency level of 99.97% or greater against both oil & non-oil based particulate aerosols. The 8750P2 and 8010A P2 Particulate Filters are 95% efficient against non-oil based particulate aerosols only. The 8750P2 also offers relief from nuisance levels of OV/Ozone.
Use the HEPA Particulate Filter Disk, HEPA Particulate Filter or the P2 Particulate Filters with the 8900A Filter Disk/Filter Holder for standalone particulate filter applications. Or use in combination with any 8000 Series Gas/Vapour Cartridge. Use the 8020A Filter Retainer with the 8010A P2 Particulate Filter for prefilter applications. Use the 8920A Piggyback Adapter with the 8830A HEPA Particulate Filter Disk.
The P2 and HEPA Particulate Filters are suitable for most welding applications. Use the 8750A Filter when nuisance levels of OV/Ozone are present.
Welding, Grinding, Lime, Metal Machining, Aluminum Processing, Bagging, Brazing, Buffing, Cement Work, Dusty Environments, Foundries, Metal Working, Mining, Polishing, Poultry, Sanding, Soldering, Stone Quarrying, Sweeping, Textiles, Torch Cutting, Waste Processing/Recycling.
For contaminants falling under an OSHA substance specific standard requiring a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. These substances include asbestos, lead, inorganic arsenic and cadmium. Also for use in environments where oil-based particulates are present.
Reference: MPRF-P2-4
Brand: Misc Brands
Reference: 7990A
Brand: Moldex
Suits The 8000 Series Masks