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List of products by brand Buildpro

BUILDPRO EXTREME offers a selection of work gear for the right situation. BUILDPRO use fully tanned full grain leather or premium top grain in their belts, holders and frogs unlike others on the market that use a general purpose top grain leather

Not All leather Is Created Equal
- BUILDPRO Extreme - The Best Money Can Buy

BUILDPRO EXTREME offers a selection of work gear for the right situation. BUILDPRO use fully tanned full grain leather or premium top grain in their belts, holders and frogs unlike others on the market that use a general purpose top grain leather. It is important to consider what the primary needs are, taking into consideration how difficult work gear is configured and what they are constructed of - not all leather is created equal!

BUILDPRO EXTREME work gear is constructed of the very best quality leather on the market.

BUILDPRO is the only Australian manufacturer who owns and operates their own tannery, thus insuring the they control the leather and product quality from start to finish - passing on the savings to you!

There are 130 products.

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